

Participants of ERASMUS+ project CRED4TEACH «Мікрокваліфікації на основі MOOC для професійного розвитку викладачів» from the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy successfully presented their MOOCs (massive open online courses), which were developed based on the results of their studies at Anadolu University (Turkey) and the course "MOOC design & Microcredential design".

The Academy's teachers and postgraduate students were trained for 12 weeks at the courses MOOC01: Вступ до розробки та проведення MOOC and MOOC02: Онлайн-менеджер прокторингу.

The course coordinator was Professor Dr Çengiz Hakan Aydın, Head of the Department of Distance Education at Anadolu University.

The Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy presented three projects of training courses that revealed the creative capabilities of MOOC developers and high quality standards based on the guidance of Turkish colleagues.

In accordance with the recommendations, the participants completed a number of key tasks:

- creation of training courses, videos, textual content, quizzes, and other interactive resources according to the provided MOOC Design templates;

- creation of a practically working model of an online learning environment for easy access to it for everyone;

- filling the course with learning content: adding training videos, text, infographics, assignments, and other support resources;

- conducting a thorough test of the functionality of all elements and the performance of the developed course model;

- implementation of advanced approaches to MOOC development, including the experience of implementation at Anadolu University.

Based on the results of the training and defense of MOOC projects, the teaching staff of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy gained new experience in creating modern high-quality distance learning tools and technologies. Also, all participants received certificates "How to become a designer of massive open online courses" as a confirmation of professional qualification in the amount of 3 ECVET credits in accordance with the ECVET framework. We congratulate the participants and wish them further success.

Such projects and events demonstrate the active participation of the Ukrainian Engineering Pedagogics Academy in international programs and the ongoing professional development of the staff of the educational institution to maintain a competitive level and guarantee high quality in the provision of educational services.


Здобувачка нашої академії Олена КЛІМОВА, гр. ДІТ-Ш22 посіла I місце в категорії «Молодь Соло латино-американська програма» у Всеукраїнському багатожанровому чемпіонаті з танців «Кубок ректора Черкаського національного університету ім. Богдана Хмельницького». Змагання проходили 14 квітня у місті Черкаси.

Вітаємо Олену та бажаємо подальших перемог!
